Member Showcase

Colleges and institutes strengthen Canada’s capacity to innovate by undertaking applied research projects that refine and adapt products, services, technologies, and processes.

They provide partners with the talent and state-of-the-art facilities needed to drive both economic and social gain. Discover over 150 innovation stories from colleges and institutes across the country.

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College or Institute:

Gluten-free Turkeys from Freezer to Oven

Two new turkey products have been introduced to retail stores in the Prairies thanks to testing and tasting at Red River College’s School of Hospitality... Read more

Large Building Air Leakage Testing

Air leakage is now widely recognized as one of the most critical parameters affecting a building’s energy use, indoor air quality, comfort and durability. This... Read more

Needle in a Circuit Board Haystack

Red River College is home to the Technology Access Centre for Aerospace and Manufacturing. Through the Centre, aerospace and manufacturing organizations can get access to equipment, assets... Read more

Parisian Pastries from Prairie Pulses

The rich food value of dried peas, beans, lentils and chickpeas has been known for centuries — their collective name, “pulses”, comes from puls, a... Read more

Settle down, now: Red River College helps develop an environmentally friendly dust suppressant

There are millions of kilometers of unpaved roads around the world, and the dust kicked up by the vehicles that drive on them is a... Read more

Waste not, want not: Red River College and local microbreweries take an innovative approach to leftovers

Who knew there’s more to beer leftovers than what lingers in the bottom of a stubby at the end of a party? Red River College... Read more

Working with UNEP on Sustainability and Consumption

In a globalized and networked society, sometimes it is necessary first to invest in people, relationships and ideas. Such efforts may produce results far out... Read more

Zero Emissions Public Transit

Electric vehicles hold great promise for reducing reliance on fossil fuels for public transportation around the world. But batteries and recharging facilities need to be... Read more