Our Programs

We are the single point of access to Canada’s largest post-secondary network.

In Canada and abroad, our programs and projects position colleges and institutes as solutions providers for economic, environmental, and societal issues. We work with governments, employers, and other partners around the to identify challenges and mobilize the strengths of our network to solve them.

National Partnerships

We give colleges and institutes the opportunity to work together towards a common goal, to learn from each other, and maximize the impact of Canada’s largest post-secondary network.

International Partnerships

By linking Canadian institutions with partners all around the world, we help transform post-secondary education and connect learners in Canada and overseas with employment-based training and global skills they need to succeed.

College or Institute:

Al-Najah Tunisia

The Education for Employment Tunisia Al-Najah program increases the economic autonomy of young graduates in Tunisia – particularly female graduates – living in underprivileged regions... Learn more

Canadian International Development Scholarships 2030

The Canadian International Development Scholarships 2030 (BCDI 2030) strengthens the social and economic development of women and men — particularly women — in 26 eligible francophone... Learn more

CAPES Cooperation

CICan’s cooperation projects with CAPES, Brazil’s federal agency responsible for quality and evaluation of graduate education under the Ministry of Education, support quality education in Brazil by providing... Learn more

Education for Employment

CICan’s Education for Employment (EFE) programs are designed to support the development of responsive, demand-driven and practical learning opportunities for students that benefit the local... Learn more

Empowerment Through Skills Program

The Empowerment Through Skills Program (ESP) strengthens alternative pathways to education, employment, self-employment and entrepreneurship for women and adolescent girls in 12 communities across Tanzania.... Learn more
Global Skills Opportunity

Global Skills Opportunity

Global Skills Opportunity makes international learning experiences more accessible to Canadian post-secondary students. Through the program, more than 11,000 Canadian students – especially those for whom such... Learn more

Improving Skills Training for Employment

The Improving Skills Training for Employment Program (ISTEP) is a six-year program that strengthens skills development in Tanzania. ISTEP is helping technical and vocational training... Learn more

Innovative Finance

We leverage the strength of our network to grow the sustainable finance and impact investing ecosystem. Canadian colleges and institutes are drivers of sustainable economic... Learn more

International Marketing and Recruitment

Canadian colleges and institutes are internationally recognized as leaders in higher education that is practical and career focused. They host over 50% of international students... Learn more

Kenya Blue Economy Skills Training

The Kenya Blue Economy Skills Training Program (KBEST) supports skills development in key economic sectors to position the country as a competitive presence in the... Learn more

Kenya Education for Employment

The Kenya Education for Employment Program (KEFEP) is a five-year initiative focused on strengthening and supporting technical and vocational education and training (TVET) in Kenya.... Learn more

Mille Femmes FEP

The Mille femmes : Je suis Femme, j’Existe, je Participe Program (One Thousand Women: I am woman, I exist, I participate – FEP) project aims... Learn more

Pacific Alliance Education for Employment

The Pacific Alliance Education for Employment Program for sustainable development and skills for employment in the extractive sector of the Pacific Alliance (AP), is a regional... Learn more

Planning for Canada

Planning for Canada (PFC) offers free pre-arrival services that help skilled immigrants and family-class immigrants join the labour market and successfully settle in communities across... Learn more

Private Sector Growth through Education for Employment

The Private Sector Growth through Education for Employment (PSGEFE) project is bolstering the Senegalese private sector by developing technical and vocational training programs that meet local labour... Learn more

SETEC Cooperation

CICan’s on-going cooperation projects with SETEC, Brazil’s secretariat of professional and technological education under the Ministry of Education, strengthen technical education and promotes research cooperation between Brazilian... Learn more


The Supporting Innovation in the Technical and Vocational Education Sector: Towards Productivity and Competitiveness (SITVES) Project is a three-year initiative focused on fostering innovation in... Learn more

Skills to Access the Green Economy

Skills to Access the Green Economy (SAGE) supports demand-driven technical and vocational education training (TVET) in key economic sectors associated with climate change and green... Learn more

Skills Training for Employment in Mozambique

Skills Training for Employment in Mozambique (STEM) builds on the groundwork laid by CICan’s EFE-Africa project in Mozambique. This six-year program is implemented in partnership... Learn more

Young Africa Works

Young Africa Works-Kenya: Youth Employability Through TVET (Technical and Vocational Education and Training) project is a partnership between Colleges and Institutes Canada (CICan), the Mastercard... Learn more