Yukon University is the only publicly funded post-secondary education institution in Yukon, a territory of 36,000 inhabitants spread out over 482,000 square kilometers. The University has 11 community campuses – one in almost every town/village within the territory, with the main campus located in Whitehorse and one at the correctional centre. One quarter of the Yukon University student body takes courses at one of the community campuses. At the main campus – Ayamdigut – there are approximately 1,200 students registered in credit programming, half of which are part time. In Continuing Education there can be up to 5,000 students registered each year in short courses.
At Yukon University, the instructors teach with a northern perspective, offering over 50 programs, ranging from degrees to certificates to apprenticeships. Yukon University works closely with business and industry, developing programs designed to address labour force needs. The institution is a leader in education, rooted in its diverse cultures and northern environment where everyone is inspired to dream, learn and achieve.
Fast Facts
- Yukon University is globally connected. With an international airport and regular flights to Germany, Yukon is home to large populations of Germans, Swiss, Filipinos, and French, among others.
- Yukon Universitye takes pride in teaching with a northern perspective. We focus on climate change, Aboriginal self-determination, and resource development – all areas in which we excel.
- We have deep indigenous roots. YukonU is a trailblazer when it comes to teaching and celebrating Aboriginal history, culture, traditional knowledge and values.
- With 13 campuses, Yukon University is located in nearly every Yukon community, working locally to provide education and training in partnership with the local government, business and industries.
- At our Ayamdigut campus in Whitehorse, Yukon University celebrates a dynamic campus life.
Featured programs
Research specialization
- Climate Change
- Northern energy innovation
- Indigenous self determination
- Northern mine remediation
From the showcase...
Treating Mine Tailing Effluents in Northern Wetlands
A company proposing a major copper mine development in central Yukon has partnered with the Yukon Research Centre (YRC) to evaluate potential uptake of heavy metals in selected northern wetland...... more
Contact Information
P.O. Box 2799 500 College Drive
Whitehouse, Yukon
Y1A 5K4
Telephone: 867-668-8800
Toll Free: 1-800-661-0504

Treating Mine Tailing Effluents in Northern Wetlands
Contact Information
P.O. Box 2799 500 College Drive
Whitehouse, Yukon
Y1A 5K4
Telephone: 867-668-8800
Toll Free: 1-800-661-0504