As leaders in Canada’s post-secondary education sector and members of the Board of Colleges and Institutes Canada (CICan), we welcome and wholeheartedly support the priorities identified in the Future Skills Council’s report Canada – A Learning Nation : A skilled, agile workforce ready to shape the future. CICan commits to engage members to identify ways that colleges and institutes can act individually and collectively to move forward on the recommendations in the report.
Released last November, the report provides a valuable roadmap in response to disruptive technological, economic, social and environmental challenges. It has been made all the more relevant by the COVID-19 pandemic, which has brought to light the importance of skills and education for the country’s economic recovery.
After consulting with various stakeholders, members of the Future Skills Council envisioned a Canada where learning is accessible and new approaches are deployed to meet changing demands; and where skills are valued and recognized because workers demonstrate competency and proficiency to get the job done. They also raised the importance of supporting individuals to achieve their personal goals and potential, while seizing emerging opportunities by fostering inclusivity to drive innovation.
More specifically, the report outlines five key priorities for building a learning nation:
- Helping Canadians make informed choices
- Equality of opportunity for lifelong learning
- Skills development to support Indigenous self-determination
- New and innovative approaches to skills development and validation
- Skills development for sustainable futures
These are all crucial elements of a successful and world leading post-secondary system, and colleges and institutes across Canada are actively involved in advancing these priorities on a daily basis. As leaders in skills development, with an unmatched footprint across the country, we sincerely believe our system has a key role in achieving the council’s recommendations.
By working together, we can be that learning nation the council envisions for the benefit of all Canadians.

Canada – A Learning nation: A skilled, agile workforce ready to shape the future
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