Joanne Dominico implemented and expanded Centennial College’s Support for Apprentices with Disabilities (SAWD) program, which follows the overall mandate of Centennial College’s Centre for Students with Disabilities. Three years later, she became a Learning Strategist, growing the size of the Learning Growth Centre program by ten times in just nine years. With expertise in online learning, she has been invaluable for helping students stay motivated to do remote studies and adapt their study skills during COVID-19. She is a highly sought-after speaker and workshop leader both on and off campus, and also makes time to do volunteer work to help Black children and youth gain confidence and skills in study habits.

About Centennial College
Established in 1966, Centennial College is Ontario’s first public college primarily serving the eastern portion of the Greater Toronto Area through five campuses. It has... Learn more
The Leadership Excellence Award for Non-Managerial Staff
The Leadership Excellence Award for Non-Managerial Staff recognizes an individual or a team who has made an exceptional contribution within their institution and within the communities it serves. The nominee or team must be currently employed by the institution and play a non-managerial role.
CICan and TD Insurance
TD Insurance is proud to be the exclusive sponsor of the CICan Awards of Excellence Program. TD Insurance will give an award of $1,000 to each Gold level Award of Excellence recipient.
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