April 17, 2024

ImpAct-Climate Challenge: Inspiring Action, Sparking Change

The latest edition of the ImpAct-Climate Challenge has come to a close and students, staff, and faculty across 55 CICan member colleges and institutes now have a deeper understanding of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and the actionable steps we can all take towards combating climate change.

Over six weeks, participants explored themes related to GHGs like energy, food, transportation, waste, and Indigenous stewardship and took on a new challenge—from increasing plant-based meals to eliminating single-use plastics—to lead transformative change. 

An overwhelming 82% of participants reported learning something new through the weekly educational content. More impressively, 90% felt inspired to incorporate these learnings into their daily routines, committing to sustainable practices that reduce their environmental footprint on campus in their personal lives. 

Recognizing Excellence in Sustainability 

Several institutions stood out for their exceptional engagement and efforts to mobilize their communities toward sustainability. To celebrate those with the highest levels of participation, we awarded bursaries to support their continued dedication to climate action. These bursaries are intended to honour students on their campuses who have shown outstanding leadership in sustainability initiatives, further empowering them to lead change. 

Gold Winners – Each receiving a $3,000 bursary

  • Large Institution: Bow Valley College 
  • Medium-Large Institution: Confederation College 
  • Medium-Small Institution: Cégep de Jonquiere 
  • Small Institution: Collège d’Alma 

Silver Winners – Each receiving a $1,500 bursary

  • Large Institution: Algonquin College 
  • Medium-Large Institution: Loyalist College 
  • Medium-Small Institution: Collège Lionel-Groulx 
  • Small Institution: Collège Mathieu 

In addition to the bursary, these institutions will each receive a trophy created out of 100% recycled plastics designed by talented students at Cégep de Vieux-Montréal’s Atelier Écodesign. 

Enhanced Learning and Participation 

This edition also introduced enhancements to integrate the challenge into coursework more efficiently. We provided instructors with resources to incorporate the challenge themes into their teaching and improved the way they could track student participation. These adjustments made it easier for the entire college and institute community to engage deeply with the challenge, amplifying our collective impact. 

The Path Forward 

The impact of this year’s challenge underscores the vital role knowledge and action play in creating a sustainable future. Let’s carry this momentum forward. Together, the college and institute network can make a lasting difference for our planet and future generations.