CICan on the Hill + GSO Reception

October 3, 2023 | 7:00 am - 8:00 pm EDT

Presidents are invited to CICan on the Hill 2023 in Ottawa on October 3, 2023. This full-day event is an opportunity to engage with parliamentarians and senior federal officials to share perspectives on how colleges and institutes support Canadian students to gain global skills and contribute to international education. Presidents, or their designated representative, may be accompanied by a government relations or international lead from their institution.

Ramping up to the renewal of the International Education Strategy and its star program, Global Skills Opportunity, and the anticipated changes to the International Student Program following IRCC’s wide departmental review, this year CICan on the Hill will focus on international priorities. The event will highlight the value of the Global Skills Opportunity program, and the important role international students play in Canada’s prosperity.

Presidents are encouraged to also bring along a student who participated in a GSO experience. These students will be featured during our evening’s Global Skills Opportunity reception. CICan on the Hill event participants, including students, will join in two organized meetings and/or roundtables with parliamentarians, senior public servants, Senators, or political staff.

GSO Reception

GSO students will be the star of our reception, with college and university students who have benefitted.


Time Member Activities
7 a.m. – 9:30 a.m.
  • Registration
  • Event Welcome and Overview
  • Ottawa Political Climate update
  • Breakfast and networking
9:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
  • Registration
  • CEO & Student Meetings with Members of Parliament, Senators and Senior Federal Officials
  • Roundtables on selected topics:
  • GSO
  • International Students
  • Student panel with Parliamentarians
  • Grab and go lunch
  • Closing Plenary
5:30 p.m – 8:00 p.m.
  • GSO reception (drinks, light hors d’oeuvres)

Call for Student Nominations

Colleges and Institutes Canada (CICan) members are invited to nominate students who have participated in a Global Skills Opportunity (GSO) experience to participate in this year’s CICan on the Hill.

Nominate a Student

Registration Fees

Participants are responsible for meals not included in the registration fee.
PackageMember Fee
CICan on the Hill + GSO Reception 2023 Full Registration: $350-

Additional Information


Colleges & Institutes Canada
Visit Website | Email

Contact Info

For program information
Nazmul Arifeen
613-746-2222 x5797
For registration information
Julie Trohon
613-746-2222 x3147


Substitutions are accepted by email up to September 11, 2023
You can cancel by email up until September 18, 2023. We do not accept cancellations by phone.
Before and on September 4, 2023: 50% refund of the full amount paid.
September 5, 2023 or later: No refunds

CICan’s Code of Conduct & Duty of Care

As we begin holding events in person, the health and safety of all attendees remains our priority. Learn more about the extra steps in place to protect everyone attending our events in-person.