Lambton College believes that every person should have the opportunity to live a full and authentic life. With its first-ever five-year Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Strategy, Lambton has developed a road map to its inclusive future - one that provides direction on everything from curricular and pedagogical practices to enhancing student support, research infrastructure, leadership development, and organizational culture. A community leader in EDI, Lambton College is committed to enacting meaningful change that impacts the lived experiences of its community members.

About Lambton College
As a post-secondary leader in education, training and research, Lambton College has experienced tremendous growth in recent years. In addition to a significant rise in... Learn more
The Excellence in Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Award
The Excellence in Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Award recognizes a college or institute that has demonstrated leadership in advancing and promoting equity, diversity and inclusion for its students, faculty, staff, and community. This award recognizes institutional, rather than individual achievements. Areas of focus can include but is not limited to administration and human resources, curriculum design and content, policies and procedures, stakeholder management, communication and outreach programs. To be eligible for this award, your institution must not have received the “Gold” award within the past 3 years or since 2020
CICan and TD Insurance
TD Insurance is proud to be the exclusive sponsor of the CICan Awards of Excellence Program. TD Insurance will give an award of $1,000 to each Gold level Award of Excellence recipient.
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