Learn how to receive up to $10,000 to hire a first-year apprentice!

January 18, 2024 | 11:30 am - 12:00 pm EST

Join us for a free webinar! CICan is providing financial incentives to small and medium-sized enterprises in construction and manufacturing to help them hire apprentices.

Eligible employers can receive $10,000 to hire an equity-deserving first-year apprentice in one of 39 Red Seal construction and manufacturing trades, or $5,000 to hire an apprentice that is not part of an equity-deserving group. 

Eligible equity-deserving groups for this program include women, Indigenous people, newcomers, persons with disabilities, racialized communities including Black Canadians, and 2ELGBTQI+. 

Help us connect with employers and make an impact in the trades. Employers can use the incentive in any way they see fit. That could include salaries and training costs, purchasing equipment, or a hiring bonus for new apprentices. We also help employers locate, hire, onboard, and retain new apprentices. Employers can receive the incentive for a maximum of two apprentices per fiscal year.

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Career Launcher Apprenticeships
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